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Online Prescription Renewal

Expired prescription? Renew it now with our FREE online prescription renewal service and receive an updated Rx within 24 hours.

How It Works

Take the test using a computer and mobile device.

Doctor Verify

A licensed eye doctor will review your results within 24 hours.

Rx Confirm

If you're approved, we'll email you your prescription.

You will need:

  • A computer and a smartphone
    Monitor + Cellphone

  • 10 feet of space

  • 15 minutes
Woman taking test
Online Prescription Renewal is currently available for:
  • Patients from 22 to 40 years old
  • Orders with only one prescription
  • Orders with prescription products
  • Prescription SPH from +6.00 to -12.00
  • Prescription CYL strength from -.25 to -5.00
Online Prescription Renewal is currently unavailable for:
  • Patients younger than 18 or over 55
  • Orders requiring more than one prescription
  • Orders without prescription products
  • Prescription SPH outside of +6.00 to -12.00
  • Prescription CYL stronger than -5.00
Excluded states/territories:

Alaska, California, Delaware, District of Columbia (DC), Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Vermont, West Virginia.

This version of the Visibly Digital Acuity Product and the Single Device Acuity Product are manufactured and distributed by Visibly, Inc. and operate under the Enforcement Policy for Remote Ophthalmic Assessment and Monitoring Devices during the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Public Health Emergency issued by the FDA in April 2020. Neither product has been approved by the FDA. A different version of the Visibly Digital Acuity Product received 510(k) clearance from the FDA, but that is not the version of the product made available here. The data and recommendations made by the Visibly Digital Acuity Product and Single Device Acuity Product are adjunctive (supporting) recommendations that will be used by an Eye Care Provider, along with your medical history and profile, prior corrective eyewear prescriptions, and subjective data provided about your vision. It is the responsibility of the patient to provide accurate information through the process as all of this information will be relied upon as accurate by the reviewing Eye Care Provider. All Eye Care Providers are associated with Optimized Eyecare, P.C., or other entities that provide clinical services. Visibly, Inc. is an independent entity that does not provide any eyecare or clinical services.